Absolutely cool title screen made by yours truly~This really cool title screen should be smaller on mobile? i hope so...

My very own website where I post stories, which happen around the world of the MMORPG "Mirage Realms"

Home About Series Archive Characters My Discord server


Welcome to the About section! whatever question or comment you may have, maybe, just maybe the answer will be found in this page...

"What is this comic?"

Well, this comic, or series of comics are just stories i come up with, generally revolving around the adventures of Havoc (Or "Squidboy", his adventurer alias), and his adventuring partner Layla. You may find a lot of references both about Mirage Realm's history or just popular media in general!

Note that Mirage Realms does have its own planned lore; my stories are just funny, or sometimes serious scenarios i create for my characters.

"What is Mirage Realms?"

Mirage Realms is a MMORPG in development (in alpha stage to be precise) I've been playing since 2016, I am in fact one of the first players to join that game's community; i've been following its development quite closely, and i know it holds promise. (Check out the game yourself in its own official webpage here!)

"Why are your first stories YouTube videos and then suddenly they're actual webcomics now?"

Well, you see, my original plan was to make my stories as animations and post them on YouTube to eventually grow as a channel and earn revenue from it. But as time went on, i realized my animations were just glorified comics with music (Copyrighted by the way. Hopefully they don't get taken down at some point, because reuploading will be a PAIN), so to get myself off the risk of being copyright stroke, i decided to move to a format where being "silent" won't make it boring, which is indeed reading. And so here we are, me developing my own website with HTML code (Because most of the website creating sites + domain hosting have prices that are just indignifying for a no income student such as i am [Update! i am no longer a no income student, i do make fat profits now. I am still not willing to pay a monthly fee while neocities gives me what i need... and for free!]). Hope you like the site because most of it was coded by yours truly, upon hours and hours of internet tutorials and some help request to chat GPT.

"Your stories are cool!"

Why, thank you for definitely thinking this and not being me adding it to the site as some sort of sickening self-praise

"How do you make your comics?"

I use a mobile app called "Pixly". It's basically an MS paint, but at a smaller, pixel scale, it's also the app where i make other kinds of art. (Check out my twitter! it's embedded on the left in this page. Isn't that cool? HTML coding is amazing...)

"How often are you going to upload new panels?"

There is no set date for that. I'll be uploading them whenever i have them ready. Those who know me know perfectly i am the kind of person who finishes a project and enters months of inactivity because all the art inspiration just leaves my brain. However, what i can tell for sure is that whenever i make new ones, I'd be uploading all day's work at once in the evening (We're talking at about 10 or so PM, GMT-6 timezone)

"Why is there a girl between the navigation arrows in the comic pages?"

Oh, she is just Rheanna, the Time Mage (you can see more information about her in her own character profile). She will use her time magic to take you to other comic pages if you press the arrows! And if you click HER... she will warp you to a random page within the series you're currently on.

"I wish to contact you. How may i do so?"

The best way to talk with me is in my very own Discord Server. You can find the link in the top menu, under the title screen!

"Hey! Your "Totally working search bar" doesnt actually work!!!"

Heehee. Pranked.

Special Thanks

This isn't a question you could have, but i thought i'd add this section to recognize some of you people who have been there in my arting process. So shout-out to all those in the Mirage Realms community, first and foremost Liam for creating such an amazing game and putting together a neat little community, from which a few of them have either followed my stories up close, or are just supportive people in general, namely Munchin, Ravael, Written, BoopBeep, EtafTsol, Thornblood, The Bum, Nano, Briween, Paladi, Venator, (Et. Al) and even more special thanks to Feature and Laskipaska for additionally guiding me with the whole HTML coding process, as HTML coding experts themselves.

Also a massive shoutout to me boys at the Creative Society, Momo, Larry, Tristan, Kumo, Kydon, amongst a few others, you guys rock and i appreciate the lot of you.