Absolutely cool title screen made by yours truly~This really cool title screen should be smaller on mobile? i hope so...

My very own website where I post stories, which happen around the world of the MMORPG "Mirage Realms"

Home About Series Archive Characters My Discord server

Welcome to Squidboy's Stories!

The page where i'll uploading my stories from now on, a fully fledged web comic. Popular web comic apps? apps that automatically build the website for you? Nope; we ball.

"The jank is part of the charm..."

I am aware the site may not look as good on mobile; the site was initially thought for computer screens. Some features may have lower quality or be missing altogether on mobile devices in order for the format to maintain its shape.

Read the latest release in this page here, or check out the beggining of that same series if you haven't yet!

Navigation on the site

You may have noticed a wide array of buttons in the site, i'll run you down through the basics in here, quick-like.

Home Page

The very page you're reading right now

"About" Page

Yet another page where i explain stuff, except that one's related to the stories, not the website in itself.

Home = Web Page navigation / About = Actual Comics. Remember that.

Series Page

The main content and reason to be of this page. In here, the comics are neatly organized by series where they belong and episodes, along a quick abstract of what the series in general is about.

Archive Page

Similar to Series, but in this one comics are arranged by publishing date, not by series... Although this page in particular may be pointless given i dont start other series without finishing the one i'm currently working on, but i guess some people will want to know when i posted X panel. Go figure! i just know a couple webcomic sites that have this, so i might as well have it, too!

Characters Page

Interested about a character in particular? this is your page! Characters are organized by "importance" (main, secondary, etc. etc.), alongside a profile with their description, comics where they appear/debuted, and some other funny willy-nilly.