Character Profile.

Mildly tall, blonde and gorgeous, Layla Davenport is the adventure partner of Havoc, our main hero, and she wields the legendary "Fairy blade". She started her adventure mostly because her parents forced her to, but she did show signs of wanting to go as well when she was younger, despite being visibly reluctant on her last years at home.

Daughter of 2 loving parents and big sister of 2 twins, our character right here started her adventure as a hothead, but later on, she grew softer and more patient, although still has a strong attitude in plenty of situations, such as when Havoc starts with his puns. Simped by many, she knows how to take advantage of this, such as being protected 24/7 for free, haha whan an idiot that guy is. She isn't very talkative, not because she doesn't want to talk, but because she doesn't really have much to say, this is a different story with people she knows. Also her favorite fruit is cherries.

(You can check the complete details about her story here!)

Basic Information.

Name: Layla Davenport Moore      Adventurer's Alias: N/A, uses real name

Gender: Female       Age: 21             Date of birth: Feubrary 19th

Height: 5'57 (170 cm)             Weight: Irrelevant 👍


  • Havoc: - Protector
  • Harry: - Father
  • May: - Mother
  • Eliott: - Younger brother
  • Elise: - Younger sister
  • Rheanna: - Childhood friend and mentor